Coach Training World’s Blog
Browse our many coaching blog posts. We love sharing our love of all things coaching, leadership and community building.
Introducing Gail Conrad, Holistic Innovation Coach
“Our life experience is everything. We have all the information we need. We just have to pull it out.”Gail Conrad has worn a variety of hats throughout her life. Teaching hats. Directing hats. Choreographer hats. Design hats. Successful in every pursuit, she has...
Introducing Darlene Miller, Career Coach
“When evaluating my fulfillment with work, I realized that advising, coaching and teaching were the parts that gave me energy and joy. I also realized that I was an informal coach and had been long before I knew there was a name for it.”Darlene Miller has spent most...
Introducing Marame Gueye, Life & Career Coach for African Diaspora Women
“We always say digital spaces are dangerous, that they consume us. But it all depends on the type of digital community you create.”Marame Gueye is an Associate Professor of African and African Diaspora Literatures at East Carolina University in North Carolina. She...
Introducing Hillary Bennett, Return to Work + Female Empowerment Coach
"I went on a long personal development journey that brought me to coaching, and I’ve never felt more alive! It is possible to have a job you truly love and that enhances your life instead of taking away from it. If I can find it, anyone can.”Before Hillary Bennett...
Introducing Frieda Levycky, Life Coach for Legal Professionals
"Starting your own business is hard work! I never realised the effort that went into marketing strategy, branding, networking and other aspects. It’s been eye-opening to say the least – particularly when juggling a full-time job. But when you are passionate and driven...
Introducing Allison Kirby Falk, Life & Health Coach
“At Coach Training World, I discovered the power of community, connection, and holding the space and time for yourself to build awareness and fuel self-growth. Your brain is not your only source of information – there are tools to tap into your body that give you...
What happens when we come together?
If your inbox is anything like mine, you probably expected a list of social distancing guidelines when you opened this email. If that’s what you’re looking for, open anything above or below me and chances are good you’ll find it. (Go ahead, I’ll wait here.) Now that...
Taking the LEAP to Starting Your Own Coaching Business
Being self-employed is the dream of countless Americans. The idea of working from home, with no boss to worry about. Being able to choose your own office hours and pick those who you work with… It’s a very enticing dream! But the leap from being an employee to...
Our moment is NOW (we may not get another!)
Something absolutely beautiful happened this morning: I pulled up the news and was actually inspired by what I saw! Young people are leading the charge for a better world. Countless school children across the globe stand on the front lines of mass protests demanding...
People are our greatest teachers… What have you learned?
Have you ever been intimidated, shunned, or duped by someone? It happened early in my design career —an initiation, of sorts. I’d landed a dream-come-true marketing project with a name brand client. Contract. Design. Approvals. Press check. Project completed and...
How to Determine ROI for Life Coaching and Other Niche Coaching Services
Whole Person Coaches champion clients to define and achieve success their way. In doing so, the client is highly motivated to step into their most resourceful and self-innovating mindset. As a Whole Person Coach, success happens when we witness our clients find the...
Why is it so difficult to effectively market yourself as a coach?
Have you ever had nightmares about doing Show & Tell back when you were a kid? Do you remember those times when all eyes and ears were on you, not to mention the heckling that often accompanied them? Often used as a way to teach kids about public speaking, Show...
10 Trends that Will Impact the Future of Coaching
Baby boomers and millennials are at the heart of numerous shifts that will shape the coaching profession from 2019 to 2022. This can open the door to tremendous opportunity for coaches with the right training and qualifications. Whether you are new to coaching or a...
Building Authentic Connections to Help Others
Have you ever wanted to connect with others but were afraid your message wouldn’t resonate? Are you looking for a way to silence your inner critic when presenting yourself or your ideas to an audience? Want to leverage your experience to help others? Join Bobby and...
Having a Life Purpose Extends Longevity
Something startling was brought to my attention over the weekend… A new study, published in JAMA Current Open and reported on by NPR, discovered that ‘people without a strong life purpose were more than twice as likely to die within a four-year time period compared...
Pioneering Whole Person Approach Generates Immediate ROI Among New Teachers
Ever wondered what it would be like to leverage coaching into your day job? What about a method that could increase your impact, effectiveness and personal success by helping others do the same? Witness the benefits of internal coaching and discover ways to measure...
Looking Inward: An Introvert’s Method for Success on the Global Stage
Yannan comes from a business background, with a proficiency and inclination that were ingrained in her from an early age. Her parents are both entrepreneurs with their own businesses, so her first instinct was to coach people on their business. “I love the...
Her Inner Voice Leading the Way: From Attorney to Energy Coach
“The minute I started listening to my inner voice, everything changed.” – Evdoxia Stoupi Ever since she was a little girl, Evdoxia has been sensitive to the energies surrounding other people. She has always been able to hear and sense things others didn’t. This...
Giving Back: A Therapists Journey Into Coaching
“As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands — one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.” — Audrey Hepburn.Fausta’s journey mirrors the experience of many of us who want the things we’ve always dreamed about. After working for more than...
How to Start a Successful Life Coaching Business
Five essential steps for setting yourself apart and building a coaching business that works best for you! As someone who wants to start their own coaching business, you’ve probably already discovered no shortage of “wisdom” on how best to go about it. With the...
How to Find the Right Business Coach for Your Coaching Business
Psst. I have to tell you a secret. The secrets of the masterful business coaches are no secret. In fact if you want to spend countless hours reading books, surfing online, attending workshops, and buying online seminars, everything you need is out there… somewhere....
Do I need a license to be a life coach?
Coaching continues to grow in popularity, expanding into universities as well as private life coach schools throughout the world. These programs range from a full Master’s in Leadership and Coaching to workshops that last only a few hours. For this reason, and concern...
Visualize your way to wellness
What could you achieve if you were no longer worried what others might be thinking? How different would your life be if you felt totally comfortable in your own skin? Discover your holistic path to wellness by joining Feroshia Knight (Master Coach and founder of Coach...
Change Maker’s Secrets – Changing Lives at Home
5 Reasons You Should Train to become a Professional Coach, Part 5 Your first step toward success as a professional coach is enrolling in an ICF Accredited Holistic Coach Training Program (ACTP). This critical decision not only positions you in the profession, it...