How to Create Your Biggest Impact

Learn how to create your biggest impact on the world – whether you hope to shift your life or the lives of those around you. Watch Feroshia Knight (Master Coach and founder of Coach Training World) interview Melanie McCloskey, a Whole Person Coach who has quickly...

From Hair to Happiness: Stepping Into Your Wholeness!

Where and when have you “hidden” your true self? Perhaps it was a time when it wasn’t safe to be truly who you are? Or maybe you felt out of place in life or work, wanting something different but afraid of the unknown. Reclaim those abandoned dreams and desires as you...

Reframe Your Past to Reclaim Your Future with Carrie Ure

Do you ever dwell on past mistakes? What if I told you the key to letting go of the past and building self-confidence was to live in the present? It sounds good, but if you’re like me you’re already overwhelmed. The past defines us, right? Not so fast. Spiritual coach...