I spent 20 years in IT, primarily as a project manager and changed careers midway through my career journey. I have experience helping clients with career changes, resume writing, career assessments to understand skills, interests, and values, handling career stress, interview preparation, knowledge of networking and the job market, and helping people make the best of their current job. I also have experience with business coaching. If a task is career-related, I likely have training, knowledge, and expertise. I am a Certified Career Services Specialist through the National Career Development Association (NCDA). I have made a major career change and could not be happier to be working as a career coach.
►FIRST, I stand up for what I believe and can be a powerful advocate for change. Bravery requires me to be authentic and vulnerable. I express my true thoughts and opinions in a way that is honest, direct and respectful.
►SECOND, I love learning. It is how I grow and the process never ends. I engage in critical thinking and questioning the status quo.
►THIRD, I believe in helping others, which allows me to see the world from distinct perspectives. Each person is unique and my work in understanding and empathizing with others is one of my strengths.
►FOURTH, I love to set the example of servant-leadership and show that I am here to help. My style is to break down barriers and connect with an individual’s strengths. I listen intently and earn the trust of others.