Olivia O’Brien, MSc, CPC

Olivia O’Brien, MSc, CPC
Company Name:
Sister Siren Coaching, LLC
Los Angeles, CA
Coaching Bio:

Are you...
...single and actively seeking a relationship?
...going through a break-up?
...divorced and lost when it comes to dating?
...stuck in an anxious-avoidant trap with your partner?
...feel disempowered in your goals and are yearning for motivation?
...wanting to feel confident, sexy, and authentically attractive?

Well, whatever reason you may be seeking a life coach, dating coach, relationship coach, or someone to simply listen, I am here to help! If you're craving a safe, compassionate container for all your beauty, mess, dreams, and everything in-between, where you can truly focus on your well-being, look no further.

After years of personal and professional experience, I founded Sister Siren Coaching to help struggling individuals feel capable of turning their vision into reality. As a certified professional coach (CPC) with an MSc in Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP), I offer tailored coaching techniques for positive dating, relationships, self-confidence, and purpose.

Through proven tools, methods, theories, and interventions (my personal experience included), I aim to guide you through your growth to achieve your goals... in all areas of your life (not just your relationships)! So I invite you to send me a message to let me whatever has been going on. I will get back to you as soon as possible to set up your free consultation call so we can discuss how I might serve you best.

  • Olivia O’Brien, MSc, CPC

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