A Deeper Way to Trust: Believing

A Deeper Way to Trust: Believing

Trust is the glue that makes any coaching relationship exponential in its impact. Without it, a coach’s capacity to evoke change in others is hindered and, at times, almost impossible. Cultivating change in others requires their trust in you, your process and, most...
Building Authentic Connections to Help Others

Building Authentic Connections to Help Others

Have you ever wanted to connect with others but were afraid your message wouldn’t resonate? Are you looking for a way to silence your inner critic when presenting yourself or your ideas to an audience? Want to leverage your experience to help others? Join Bobby and...
Change Maker’s Secrets – Changing Lives at Home

Change Maker’s Secrets – Changing Lives at Home

5 Reasons You Should Train to become a Professional Coach, Part 5 Your first step toward success as a professional coach is enrolling in an ICF Accredited Holistic Coach Training Program (ACTP). This critical decision not only positions you in the profession, it...
Change Maker’s Secrets – Exponential Potential

Change Maker’s Secrets – Exponential Potential

5 Reasons You Should Train to Become a Professional Coach, Part 4 Your first step toward success as a professional coach is enrolling in an ICF Accredited Holistic Coach Training Program (ACTP). This critical decision not only positions you in the profession, it...
Is there such a thing as fearless living?

Is there such a thing as fearless living?

If you’re wondering why I’m bringing up the topic of fear, you’re in good company. After all, doesn’t everyone have a solution for it already? In fact, there are almost as many solutions to fear as fears themselves. The answer is simple: fear is contagious. Until we...
Letting Go of the Outdated Version of Old Self & Life

Letting Go of the Outdated Version of Old Self & Life

PART 3: Jump as if your life depends on it, because it does – Part III Change has come, and with it, Tina Woosley’s personal breaking point. No longer content to stay put or look back, she receives strength from a very specific desire – one highly common among...
Letting Go of the Outdated Version of Old Self & Life

Fearless Career Transition into Coaching

PART 2: Finding the strength and courage – a leap of faith toward life fulfillment Life Coach Tina Woosley overcomes her fear of transition through an approach that can be applied by anyone looking to shift into more meaningful work. Tina Woosley decided to hold...