Where and when have you “hidden” your true self?
Perhaps it was a time when it wasn’t safe to be truly who you are? Or maybe you felt out of place in life or work, wanting something different but afraid of the unknown. Reclaim those abandoned dreams and desires as you discover the deep joy and fulfillment that comes only when you’re being all of who you are. Playing it safe may have served you well in many situations. But isn’t it time to stop hiding and fully express the truth of who you really are?
Step into your wholeness by joining Feroshia Knight (Master Coach and founder of Coach Training World) and Matthew John Wagner, a leading spiritual life coach in Portland, OR. Matt specializes in helping his clients discover and trust their inner compass, drawing upon spiritual perspectives in his life-changing work.
Key segments in our discussion include:
- 4:36 – Personal Declarations and Approaching Change from a Position of Power
- 7:05 – Life Coaching Technique for Taking Your Next Best Steps Forward
- 13:13 – Your Identity: How Parts Get Lost… and How You Can Recover Them
As a professional hairstylist for three decades and a successful beauty salon owner for 26 years, Matt had established a large clientele and was financially secure. But something was deeply missing from his work. Change was calling him forward. So he sold his business and became a Whole Person Coach after discovering Coach Training World.
Through Whole Person coach training, Matt was able to successfully leverage all of the knowledge and expertise he had gathered up to that point in his life and repackage it for the benefit of others. In particular, he was drawn to the holistic aspect of the program as it allowed him to focus on every part of the individual: physical, mental, emotional, and especially the spiritual.
Today Matt works with a wide range of individuals who are looking for deeper guidance and spiritual connection to both self and divine. He helps his clients reconnect with their inner compass by focusing on the wisdom that resides deep within – often bringing into play the insight of their unique spiritual perspectives. By providing a sounding board that is free of judgment, Matt helps his clients with the mental and emotional energetic blocks that come up as they walk through life.
Branching out into group coaching, Matt also offers transformative spiritual workshops and recently started a men’s group. In this welcoming and confidential space, he helps people with what they do and, more importantly, with who they are.
“Identity is a big thing,” Matt says. “It gets lost. Find out where your core beliefs are and what’s serving them. You cannot know where you’re going until you’re honest about the direction you’re heading.”
Join Matt and Feroshia for this personal glimpse into the world of coaching and the approach of a successful life coach who has made overcoming fear, the self-reclaiming process, and life reinvention the cornerstones of a highly successful coaching practice.
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