Why is it so difficult to effectively market yourself as a coach?
Coaching Articles | Start & Grow Your Coaching Business

Have you ever had nightmares about doing Show & Tell back when you were a kid? Do you remember those times when all eyes and ears were on you, not to mention the heckling that often accompanied them?

Often used as a way to teach kids about public speaking, Show & Tell was also (unbeknownst to most teachers) your first exposure to marketing. You had to “sell” your prized possession to the class. It was an experience that, for many, left scars.

If you’re like many coaches, the idea of marketing yourself can be equally terrifying. Marketing someone else, no problem. Marketing a product, a little more stressful, but marketing yourself? GASP!

“I don’t like to brag,” you may say, but here’s the thing… You’re not! You are simply sharing information with your audience so they can make an informed buying decision.

But even as you read these words, I suspect that you don’t believe me… You’ve probably got some really good reasons as to why you’re not actively marketing yourself. You’re not alone.

In fact, you might relate to these reasons…

You’re overwhelmed with too much information

One fact of modern society is that we rely on Google for information like never before. If we have a question, we type or speak it into Google and bam; there’s the answer.

If you haven’t already Googled “How do I effectively market myself,” I can tell you that I got 72,800,000 results in .64 seconds.

While there’s a ton of great information out there, that’s actually the problem.
There is so much info that you don’t know where to start nor who to listen to.

While there are some excellent tutorials (about 329,000 videos on YouTube about effective marketing alone), not one of these were created for your unique business and way of marketing yourself.

Learning to market yourself effectively requires that you have a strategy, a plan, and the right action steps based on who you are and your unique business.

P.S. Yes, you can reverse engineer someone else’s strategy, but ask yourself – who was that strategy written for? Every business has its own marketing plan and strategy that is as unique as the business itself.

The shadow of doubt keeps you hidden from your ideal clients

Ask any successful coach how they got clients and they’ll speak about the importance of visibility. They’ll go on to talk about their unique strategy both online and off to get discovered.
Whether it’s through social media, on a stage, or at a networking meeting, doubts in your own abilities can bring up those exact same feelings that we felt during Show & Tell.

People are sticky. Past negative experiences “stick with us,” causing us to doubt ourselves even years later.

It could have been that Show & Tell moment, or a time when your vision was questioned endlessly by friends and family. They mean well! After all, your friends don’t want to see you fail. So to “help,” they cast out their own worse case scenarios as evidence as to why you shouldn’t attempt something. But to make matters worse, other people’s fears and criticism can easily become our own.

Learning to market yourself effectively is about learning how to BE yourself. It’s about having a voice. A unique perspective or approach. It’s about finding out your strengths and quirks, your talents and skills, and putting them all out there for your audience. And, mostly it’s about overcoming those fears that keep you quiet and overlooked.

You’ve got tunnel vision

Blame it the way your brain works or human nature; we all have blind spots. We all fall prey to tunnel vision. Even the most awake and conscious people…

Yes, you’ve trained to become a coach. You know how to help others with the clarity, confidence, perspective, and strategies they need. But I don’t know a single coach (myself included) who has mastered being able to see outside of ourselves. The mind is a tricky place, and after all, we are all still human.

Getting out of our own way isn’t a 100% inside job.
Who’s going to help you see all of yourself and your possibilities?

The Small Business Association states that over 50% of businesses fail during their first five years. 30% within the first two years.

If you are like most coaches, you’ve investe a lot of heart and soul, time, and money into your business. Or perhaps none. Maybe it’s just too much to even get started?

Tell me… Are you happy with your results? Do you have the support you need to succeed? Are does fear and a lack of knowledge and support keep you from being the successful coach you dreamed of?

I’d like to help.

Take your business back to school this year with the..

What is the CoachPreneur Academy?
It’s a home for coaches who want to leverage their experience, expertise, and personality to attract their ideal clients.

Simply: CoachPreneur Academy is a business incubator designed to help you shine your light so you can get discovered by those who need you the most. It’s a program that will finally provide the personalized attention you’ve been looking for. Regardless if your focus is on overcoming deep fears related to marketing yourself or discovering the easiest, fastest, and most fun ways to get clients, CoachPreneur Academy will deliver!

Why enroll in the CoachPreneur Academy?

You won’t have to wade through all of the online, vague advice that could lead you down the wrong path. Instead, you will have access to a robust library of digital courses devoted to marketing yourself as a coach that can be adapted to your specific business outcomes. Courses, that are arranged in a step-by-step strategy program that keeps you on track and feeling confident.

But, that’s not all.  I know you need more. You need expert advice specific to your needs.  That’s why you’ll love attending the bi-weekly mentoring sessions. These “Done with You” labs allow you to ask questions and get help specific to your needs. No more guesswork needed!

Community? Yes!

While I’ll certainly be there every step of the way as your behind the scenes marketing strategist, I won’t be the only person helping you to succeed… You’ll be immersed within a powerful community of heart-fueled entrepreneurs, and with all of this help, well, things can really move!

Rather than feeling like you’re all alone when you’re marketing yourself, you can instead rely on the support and ideas of our whole community! It’s a lot easier to be brave when you have people around who’ve truly got your back, and that’s what we create with CoachPreneur Academy!

Why Now, and Why This… (Feroshia’s Mission)

CoachPreneur Academy is more than a business school and incubator.

It’s more than bi-weekly in-depth mentoring sessions, a library of digital marketing and sales courses, a world-class community, and relentless live support and mentoring.

It’s my mission.

In 2019, I’ve I asked myself two very important questions:

“Who are the most important people to me beyond my friends and family?” My tribe: coaches. That’s you.

I then asked…

“How can I make the world a better place?”

And, it was obvious: By helping coaches to make their biggest and best impact in the world.

I believe in you. I also know intimately the struggle to find clients; to get in front of cameras and else all that comes with stepping into the powerful light you are.

And that’s why in 2020 I’m focusing deeply on getting you and me into the light. Will you join me?

Let’s “show and tell” them what we’ve got! We are the light of the future, and together we can brave our way to make our unique differences in the world.

P.S. This program isn’t for everyone. It’s for the devoted few who want to really make their difference and a healthy sustainable living doing so. If that’s you then let’s talk. I’m only accepting a few students into the CoachPreneur Academy Business Incubator.

Schedule your free one-on-one consultation with me.