Start your own coaching career or coaching business that makes the life you really want possible!

Hi! I’m Feroshia… and I’m ferociously devoted to helping you to help others.

If you are like many people, you feel held back, trapped in work and a life that doesn’t fully enliven you. You’re looking for a meaningful work where you are rewarded for you gifts, talents and commitment. You want to be thriving in all areas of your life – health, relationships, finances and creativity to name a few.  You’ve earned your street-cred. You’ve accumulated an abundance of experience, expertise and possess a willingness to do what it takes to help others. Or you are one of the lucky few, that know sooner than later (lucky you) that you want to change lives and enjoy a lifetime of meaningful work!

Being a heart-centric, influential agent of change making your impact in the world is about making change – big changes for your clients and big change for yourself.  Both kinds of change require skills that can be learned.

And as a Change Master, that’s exactly what I’ll teach you.

My Soulful Mission:

My mission is to help heart-centric change makers to prosper

in the business of change. ~ Feroshia R.J. Knight

Portland Oregon Business Coach

How I got into coaching…

My first company Foto:Grafika focused on portrait and product photography quickly morphed into my second company Agent 47: Marketing & Communications. Before I realized it, I had 42 subcontracts and was constantly adding services and talent.

Initially, I loved my work as a global marketing strategist for Fortune 500 companies with all of its challenges and fast-paced tempo. But the stress began to slowly overwhelm me. And my self-imposed workaholism fostered a general lack of life outside work. Sure, I had earned rock solid credibility as the go-to-marketing expert for thought leaders, changemakers and businesses throughout the world, none of this mattered once I received a cancer diagnosis seven years later.

Wake-up calls are actually blessings in disguise. Within a matter of minutes my entire world changed, hitting the pause button as one does when life changes so rapidly. Through deep soul searching and supportive partnerships with various healers and guides, I found my way back to myself. I reclaimed the curious and optimistic person I had unknowingly left behind. I swore to myself, that I’d change my career and change my life.

Now at a crossroads, I began my search for a new career that would reflect the whole of who I was. Creative. Curious. Compassionate. I didn’t want to start over, I wanted a career that would allow me to build upon and leverage my vast experience to help others. One thing I knew for sure, I never wanted to go back to the daily grind.

And this is how I discovered coaching.

Like many people I meet today, it took someone else noticing my gifts and ability to help others. That person was Kyle. As a senior manager in a global corporation. Kyle had been given my name as the go-to-gal for those seeking to hit the fast lane in their start-ups. Kyle too, was looking to leave the corporate world to pursue his own passions.

After a 2-hour power session focused on his business launch and marketing strategy, Kyle gave me what is still today the most important advice I’ve ever received.  He said,  “Feroshia, you should become a coach.”

At that time, I had no idea what he was talking about – COACH? At the time most people used the term coach in sports. Curious to learn more, I started my exploration.

Within the next 6 months I hired a coach, and then trained to become one myself. Shortly thereafter, I started my first coaching business The Good Living Guide. As a professional holistic coach, I coached others around work-life balance. It’s funny how we do capably and willingly for others what we ourselves need most.

Now I don’t know about you, but I’m a non-stop learner and I love a good challenge. While I enjoyed coaching these individuals, it wasn’t enough. In the next year I started working in the conflict arena building upon my interests and studies in mediation and compassionate communication. From here I shifted into transformational leadership trainings and retreats.

What I discovered then is now the foundation of my work in Whole Person Coaching today.

Working inside corporations, non-profits, family-run businesses and other communities, my ability to tame the tigers and to heal the effects of conflict inside these organizations, earned me a reputation and a non-stop referral base.  My secret to helping others simple. Work with the whole person through a deep empowering and life-enhancing relationship.

Although, my training and development work originated inside of corporate and business arenas, it became evident to me that my soul’s calling was to create a global community of change makers. Baraka Institute: Leadership Development & Coach Training Center was publicly launched in 2005. A few years later it became obvious that it was time to make Whole Person Coaching available to a global audience via the an online platform, hence the name change to Coach Training World.

The journey has been rich and rewarding, personally and financially. But one thing stands out above all else: I’m thankful everyday for my tribe, a community of like-hearted individuals that inspire and support me as much as I strive to do the same for them. Together our lives are truly better.

My business ventures have also provided their own spiritual teachings. They have collectively taught me valuable lessons around who I am when I’m at my best, what a treasure each moment of life is, and the rewards that come with pursuing what I absolutely love.

Three decades later, that brings me here… for you.

A few things that you might also want to know…

I’m a whole person. We all are. We are multi-dimensional and far more than just our professional life. Skip this section if you want to learn more about that side of me, otherwise read on!

1. I’m a ROCKSTAR: I’ve had a lifelong crush on Barry Manilow.

I sang his tune “I Write the Songs” to a roomful of my 7th grade peers (who in retrospect were surprisingly receptive). This early opportunity proved to be a springboard: in the years that followed, I performed in bands playing a range of music from alternative rock and cocktail lounge to punk and pop-rock.

My favorite band was Lava de Mure. Our stated mission was to provide an eclectic mix of “exotic, erotic pop songs.” But we were also renowned for our costumes, danceable tunes and an ability to bring people together. All that said, I’m horrible at Karaoke. I much prefer to make up my own lyrics and melodies.

2. I’m a REBEL: I chose the name that suits me best.

My mom named me Melissa. But at 14, I came up with the moniker that would shape the rest of my life. I’ve always been inspired by animals – especially big cats. I was also artistic from an early age, drawing life-size cats on giant sheets of paper. Determined to live in the jungle, I had a self-styled menagerie constantly prowling the walls of my room. Add to that a proclivity for making up new words, and there you have it: Feroshia.

I legally changed my name when it became financially possible. It was a bold move at the time. Yet three decades later, I’ve never regretted it. Yes: I am ferocious! And no: there isn’t an ethnic background related to the name, unless you identify with lions and tigers… which I do, deeply. ROAAAR!!!

3. I’m a BIKER

I love bikes of all shapes and sizes. I ride a road bike, mountain bike and a motorcycle. I’ve only crashed twice, once on a mountain bike and once on my Dual Sport. Both times, my mind was elsewhere.

Lesson learned: always be present. And if you fall, get back up, laugh it off, and never give up

4. I’m a DANCER: I love to dance.

Join me!

5. I’m an INNOVATOR: I got fired from almost every job when first starting out.

Why? I was a process improvement junkie (still am actually). But in those early stages, I couldn’t escape the need to blaze my own trail. Ironic that I’d go on to support major corporations and businesses to build better teams.

I became an entrepreneur because I wanted to hold the reins. Through that process, I quickly learned – thank goodness – that it takes a team (nay, a small village!) to run this show. So I surround myself with the best team ever and treat them accordingly!

6. I’m a LIFE-LONG LEARNER: I was almost Dr. Feroshia.

I nearly completed a degree in pre-med, pivoting away during the last physics course into something I loved more: visual and broadcast communication. As a more “focused” adult, I went into leadership and organizational systems renewal during grad school.

In case you didn’t know: I’m a fervent lifelong learner. It started with an early passion for school fueled by some truly inspirational teachers. I took everything I could possibly cram into my schedule. My trainings and certifications range from eco-psychology, NLP, hypnotherapy, restorative yoga, narrative coaching, somatic psychology, somatic mindfulness, and interpersonal neurobiology to project management, conflict resolution, and Jungian archetypes (…among numerous others).

Yet despite my love for the classroom, my biggest and most significant lessons were learned in life. It’s a fact that reinforces one of my core beliefs: each of us has something vital to contribute, regardless of where it was learned!

7. I’m a FUN-LOVER: I laugh a lot.

More to the point: I’m a helpless giggler. I’ve been known to laugh for the better part of an hour over something entirely insignificant. BUT… I’ve been told my laughter is infectious. So I’m always looking for a chance to spread the condition to everyone I meet. You’ve been warned!

8. I’m a MULTIPOTENTIALITE: I don’t go to bed at night until I’m a little better than I was the day before.

I love to continually develop and master the skills that matter most to me. I’m always on the prowl to grow in some new or unexpected way.

But I also deeply value the specialists in my life… in particular those who can effectively wield a spatula. I’m a horrible cook. So I’m on a first-name basis with many of the top chefs in the Portland area. Up for takeout?

9. I’m a big time ANIMAL/NATURE LOVER: I have two fur babies that act like children (…because I treat them that way).

My pups, Molokai (a Papillon/terrier mix) and Kumi (a Pomeranian/Chihuahua mix), were both rescued from the wonderful folks at the Oregon Humane Society. Now living in the lap of luxury, or whichever lap happens to be closest at hand, they work as therapy dogs. But recently, they’ve been known to “disappear.” Small enough to hide under a coat or in a backpack (ahem!), they’ve become something of a hot commodity for those seeking unconditional love and irresistible cuteness.

If you’re tempted, keep in mind: all bags that wiggle are now searched at the end of every session

Update: As have many good souls, I decided to become a foster parent for the Oregon Humane Society during Covid And, as you might guess… I failed. Tiglet, our newest household member holds a very important role: dog groomer. While Covid has had it’s challenges, I’m proud to say that fostering is now my new favorite hobby! And, cats do love dogs.

I’m an ADVENTURER: I live what I call a “life exotic.”

In essence, it’s the practice of keeping my life infused with interesting people, places and experiences. I’ve developed that mindset throughout travels to Brazil, Argentina, Costa Rica, Mexico, Guatemala, Canada, Indonesia, China, Japan, Korea, England, France, Italy, New Zealand, Russia and soon the Galapagos.

I love to explore. But I always return home to the city in which I was born. I’m proud to be a Portland, Oregon gal. It has been the launchpad for my global excursions and a refuge that offers endless opportunities to recharge and inspire.

11. HELPER: I’m like you.

I love to help others. I want to be loved for who I am. And I strive each day to make the world a better place for my family, friends, acquaintances and even those I pass on the street or sit next to in a restaurant.

My life is rich. Yes, I’ve been financially successful at everything I’ve put my mind to. But my true wealth is the result of constantly investing myself in the success of others.

12. EMPATH: My inner introvert would probably prefer I didn’t share this one, but…

I’m a highly sensitive person (HSP). It’s not something I’ve readily shared before. But as we come to understand more about the way our personalities affect our lives, it’s important to stand up and tell our truth.

In contrast to what the term implies, an HSP is not someone who is easily upset (but you’re welcome to insert your favorite ‘fiery redhead’ joke here). An HSP is someone deeply in tune to the energy and emotions of people and environments. As a coach, it’s a superpower because it enables me to sense things that slip under most other people’s radar.

The upside is it makes me highly adept at helping people understand what is truly holding them back, empowering them to address it quickly and effectively. The downside is I must vigilantly maintain strong energetic boundaries and practice regular self-care. I love people! But when I’m full, I’m full. In these moments, I venture into nature to reground and center into my being.

Knowing and embracing your wholeness is one of the biggest gifts you can give yourself. When you come to know yourself, you can authentically align your life so you can flourish as who you are!  I hope what I share helps you to see that you have so much to share with the world – just as you are! A whole person!  Now, if you want to read about my street cred… Scroll a bit further…

Portland Oregon Business Coach
Portland Oregon Business Coach
Portland Oregon Business Coach

My Street Cred

Ok, I’m going to PROVE myself a little bit here: I create businesses, products, programs and offer killer services. I work with heart-centric, soul-driven entrepreneurs who want to make their difference and earn the money they deserve simultaneously. Over the years, I’ve worked alongside thousands of unique individuals who’ve gone on to leverage their special talents to great success (and quite a few of them to more than a little applause!). Bottom line: if you are not committed to making money while making your difference, I’ll probably annoy you. I’m in the business of change. And I believe that to make a difference in the lives of others, you have to make a difference in yours first. After all, how can you expect to save someone from drowning if you yourself don’t know how to swim? My work has been shared with thousands of people (many of which coaches) who in turn are changing the lives of thousands more using my methods. My online marketing services and business development mentoring has helped hundreds of business owners. And today I’m opening doors for thousands of committed entrepreneurs with the robust courses offered through my Wisdom to Wealth Business School.

  • Founder of 5 Businesses in the past three decades
    • Foto:Grafika Visual Communications
    • Agent 47: Marketing & Communications
    • Baraka Institute: Leadership Development & Coach Training Center
    • Coach Training World & CoachPreneur Academy
    • Feroshia, Intl.
  • Creator of 2 Coach Training Certification Programs & 5 Products
    • Whole Person Coaching®
    • Archetypal Systems Coaching®
    • Kokoro Life Mastery®
    • StoryArtistry
    • Discover U Toolkit
    • Kokoro MindStyles Self Identity Toolkit
    • Hero’s Journey Treasure Map
  • Author of 3 Books
    • If then Only, Life Lesson’s Learned
    • Whole Person Coaching: Innovate From Here
    • The Business of Change
  • Master’s in Organizational Leadership & Transformational Learning
  • ICF Master Credentialed Coach (MCC)

And the accomplishment I’m most proud of…  is being a loving, understanding and deeply heart-fueled person who makes her difference at home and in the world by just being me at my best. You are welcome to ask around. : )


1 Comment

  1. Abedeh

    The more I read your autobiography, the more I am in awe of this universe introducing you to me. We are very much alike in many many aspects!


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