Choosing Your Ideal Coaching Niche
Whole Person Coaching lets you be you.
This may seem daunting. After all, you are a multi-faceted person, and there are so many options to choose from. But at Coach Training World, we are devoted to your long-term success. Our Whole Person Coaching method allows you to envision and create a career and business you will absolutely love. One built entirely around your best self. One that incorporates your individual strengths and values then integrates the skills, tools and methodology of professional coaching. This is what empowers you to reliably deliver sustainable transformations in every aspect of life – yours as well as those you will one day serve.
Where do you want to shine your light?
Just as there is no singular way to go through the world, neither is there one coaching niche suited to all of us. Below you’ll find a few of the many coaching niches to specialize in. You can explore the general focus for each, as well as opportunities to craft or combine these coaching niches into something entirely your own. Within each broad segment, you are unlimited in your ability to holistically tailor it to your strengths, talents and passions.
Start by investigating every coaching niche that appeals to you below. No avenue or combination is off limits.