Meet just a few of our graduates!

Inside here you’ll find interviews with a few graduates from Baraka Institute: Coach Training World who are out in the world making their difference.  Enjoy!

Featured Graduate: Greta Be Coaching

Featured Graduate: Greta Be Coaching

From Passion to Purpose Greta’s journey into coaching stems from a deep passion for helping ambitious entrepreneurial women align their lives with their core values. Witnessing the struggles of women striving tirelessly yet never quite achieving the fulfillment they...

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Meet Life Leadership Coach Lou Ionis

Meet Life Leadership Coach Lou Ionis

Meet Life Leadership Coach Lou Ionis (WPCC, PCC) from Portland, Oregon, USA As an ICF Certified Whole Person Coach, Lou’s wide range of experience and skills give him the capacity to tailor leadership development for individuals in any role or industry. With an...

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Meet Executive & Leadership Coach Dan Bartholomew

Meet Executive & Leadership Coach Dan Bartholomew

Meet Executive & Leadership Coach Dan Bartholomew who is based in Portland, Oregon, USA. Dan currently is a Certified Professional Coach, but is also minutes away from becoming an ICF Professional Certified Coach. As an avid learner Dan has embraced credentialing...

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Phoenix Soleymani Ashtiani, “Second Self” Coach

Phoenix Soleymani Ashtiani, “Second Self” Coach

“Whole Person Coaching helped me develop a set of skills crucial to being a coach. The most important of these is the ability to act as a ternary observer: a coach, a client, and a third person observing the coaching process. Through this process, every inspiration...

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Introducing Barbara Patterson Cerullo, Whole Person Life Coach

Introducing Barbara Patterson Cerullo, Whole Person Life Coach

"I have always believed in a whole person approach to life. At a turning point in my own life, I wanted to be taught by a woman living her passions. I'm so grateful to have discovered Feroshia and Coach Training World… my life has been dramatically transformed!” At...

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Introducing Gail Conrad, Holistic Innovation Coach

“Our life experience is everything. We have all the information we need. We just have to pull it out.”Gail Conrad has worn a variety of hats throughout her life. Teaching hats. Directing hats. Choreographer hats. Design hats. Successful in every pursuit, she has...

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Introducing Darlene Miller, Career Coach

“When evaluating my fulfillment with work, I realized that advising, coaching and teaching were the parts that gave me energy and joy. I also realized that I was an informal coach and had been long before I knew there was a name for it.”Darlene Miller has spent most...

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Introducing Frieda Levycky, Life Coach for Legal Professionals

"Starting your own business is hard work! I never realised the effort that went into marketing strategy, branding, networking and other aspects. It’s been eye-opening to say the least – particularly when juggling a full-time job. But when you are passionate and driven...

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Introducing Allison Kirby Falk, Life & Health Coach

“At Coach Training World, I discovered the power of community, connection, and holding the space and time for yourself to build awareness and fuel self-growth. Your brain is not your only source of information – there are tools to tap into your body that give you...

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Building Authentic Connections to Help Others

Building Authentic Connections to Help Others

Have you ever wanted to connect with others but were afraid your message wouldn’t resonate? Are you looking for a way to silence your inner critic when presenting yourself or your ideas to an audience? Want to leverage your experience to help others? Join Bobby and...

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Giving Back: A Therapists Journey Into Coaching

Giving Back: A Therapists Journey Into Coaching

“As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands — one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.” — Audrey Hepburn.Fausta’s journey mirrors the experience of many of us who want the things we’ve always dreamed about. After working for more than...

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Visualize your way to wellness

What could you achieve if you were no longer worried what others might be thinking? How different would your life be if you felt totally comfortable in your own skin? Discover your holistic path to wellness by joining Feroshia Knight (Master Coach and founder of Coach...

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Introducing Teresa Rodden, Wholly Sober Coach

“After becoming a certified professional coach, I had the freedom to explore my unconventional process of living sober without struggle.” Teresa is a true warrior. She has fought major battles throughout her life… and won them all. Her story is unique in that she...

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Introducing Justin Cassens, Life Coach

“I was pointed toward life coaching when I told someone my ideal job would be working as a professional friend.” Justin emerged from college ready to take on the world. But like so many college students today, he couldn’t find work that aligned with his skills and...

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Introducing Sharon Roemmel, Purpose and Well Life Coach

“The training I received at Coach Training World enables me to blend the skills I’ve honed over my career and combine them with new skills to empower women to live their richest, most joyful lives. “The training I received at Coach Training World enables me to blend...

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Introducing Yvonne Chang, Leadership & Empowerment Coach

Radiance is about bringing your inner light out into the world. It suggests a confident energy that draws people in as it shines outward with warmth and vibrancy. Starting over is never easy. It’s especially hard when you’re recovering physically from an accident, and...

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Introducing Claire Yeung, Success Coach

“Becoming a coach has allowed me to find my purpose in life: to help others live their best lives! It has also given me my life back and made me a kinder, less judgmental, more peaceful person. I can now strive to live my life with grace, which I couldn't do before...

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Introducing Nikól Peterman, Empowerment Coach

Coaching has given me the opportunity to give back to the community I have spent 20 years of my life in, and empower creatives to success. Today I leverage my experience, expertise and what I've learned in the business to help others! Nikól is very much at home on...

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Introducing Elysia Hartzell, Spiritual Coach and Healer

“This is something I never imagined. The reality of what has happened in my business is so much greater than anything I ever envisioned for myself! I have complete freedom! In fact, I’m about to embark on a four-month, cross-country journey with my partner and...

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Introducing Michelle Wirta, The Soul Translator

“Becoming a coach gave me the freedom to work in a way that feels right for the type of clientele I work with. I am now able to support them with my signature intuitive style while bolstering insights through coach-like inquiry, the power of accountability, and...

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Introducing Tara Stricker, Whole Person Life Coach

“The supportive coaching community at CTW has been the tribe I have been looking for, dare I say, my whole life. They are a group of like-minded individuals that want the very best for everyone. I feel right at home.” Tara worked for 20 years in the human services...

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Featured Executive Coach… Sarah Budd, WPCC

Portland Oregon - Executive Coach, Sarah Budd serves people who are ready to grow their innate talents into world-class strengths. She uses the philosophy and approach of Whole Person Coaching to elicit the talents of her individual clients while helping them combat...

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Meet Whole Person Empowerment & Leadership Coach Alexis Mobley, WPCC

With over 15 years of experience in corporate America, including stops along the way at Capital One, IBM, J.P. Morgan Chase, and Transunion, Alexis recognizes the power of leveraging both coaching and consulting as a way of helping her high-achieving black women clients to soar!

Alexis’s self-defined niche consists of high-achieving women leaders and entrepreneurs who seek to achieve clarity amid chaos. Working with Alexis these super women discover their authentic selves and live a more empowered life.

Alexis believes that everyone deserves to feel the power that resides within and to step courageously and authentically into the person they want to be. 

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Meet Business & Leadership Coach Carol Morgan-Wirth, WPCC, ACC

Carol took a leap of faith and let go of a decades long career as a top-tier company leader to focus on doing what she loves most: helping others. As a Whole Person Business & Leadership Coach she wholeheartedly recognizes the importance of working with the whole person, both personally and professionally.

Her strengths-based approach to coaching allows her client’s to self-identify their deepest needs and uncover the necessary tools and techniques to authentically align to their best. While her focus is on leadership and business acumen, her clients often lean into her coaching to be personally more effective in all areas of their life.

Her mission is to help people to know themselves so they can grow themselves into their best self.
And that she does!

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Meet Whole Person Leadership & Purpose Coach Linda Rhoads, WPCC, ACC
Linda knew she was meant for more, even while at the top of her game as a senior leader and advisor in academia. With decades of self-development work and a certification in another coach training program, Linda wanted a sound platform and the structure needed to “go big” with her coaching business. 

While she is well-known for her love of helping people overcome imposter syndrome, Linda also brings a wealth of experience and a deep heart-centric ear to her coaching, allowing her clients to feel safe and heard – and motivated to step into their next career – authentically and courageously.

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Meet Whole Person Life Coach Katie Kasambala, WPCC, ACC

Currently based in South Africa, Life Coach Katie Kasambala is a coach for those who don’t like to settle. With her vast experience in multiple professions, Katie deeply understands her fellow multi-talented and multi-passionate people.

Drawing upon her experience as an attorney, banker, property developer, culinary school owner, restaurateur and consultant, Katie helps her clients discover where they want to be in their life, career or business.

According to Katie… “It takes a multi-talented person to truly understand the needs of someone who isn’t interested in doing just one thing! Why not bring all of who you are into your work and the world!?!” We couldn’t agree more!

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Meet Whole Person Certified Coach Evdoxia Stoupi, WPCC, PCC
With decades of experience in various healing modalities, Evdoxia leveraged Whole Person Coaching as a way to build her own signature coaching & healing approach, i-Ki Coaching.

A former attorney, it was Evdoxia’s own healing journey that made her realize that despite all that she had accomplished, she wanted to help people in new and meaningful ways. 

Evdoxia works with individuals who strive to become deeply self-aware while at the same time liberating themselves from the past events and relationships that have held them back.  She incorporates Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Channeling and the Enneagram to promote healing and well-being for her global client base so they can accept and realize their full potential.

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Meet Whole Person Certified Coach Sheila Murray, WPCC, PCC
Drawing upon her background in yoga and mindfulness, Sheila partners with busy professionals to help them step back and create the lives they truly want to live.

Sheila specializes in a primarily somatic approach to coaching employing the mind-body connection to help her client’s shift from feeling frantic, overwhelmed and exhausted to calm and purpose-led.

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Meet Whole Person Certified Business Coach Carmer Reed Gilkison, WPCC

Whole Person Business Coach Carmen Reed-Gilkison propels her client’s to success by addressing the real barriers the prevent them from generating the revenue they desire.

Her client’s benefit long-term from her support because they learn how to become highly effective as a business owner in their marketing and in their life!

Testimonial for Coach Training World
Nicole Anderson, WPCC
Testimonial for Coach Training World
Testimonial for Coach Training World - Michelle Wirta
Michelle Wirta, WPCC
Testimonial for Coach Training World - Michelle Wirta
Testimonial for Whole Person Coaching
Jennifer Moore, CPC
Testimonial for Whole Person Coaching
Testimonial for Whole Person Coaching - copy
Tony Seminary
Client Testimonial
Testimonial for Whole Person Coaching - copy
Testimonial for Whole Person Coaching - Eva Pena Cruz
Eva Pena Cruz, WPCC
Testimonial for Whole Person Coaching - Eva Pena Cruz