Introducing Hillary Bennett, Return to Work + Female Empowerment Coach
Coach Training Graduate Spotlights
Nikol Peterman Success Coach for Creatives New York City

“I went on a long personal development journey that brought me to coaching, and I’ve never felt more alive!

It is possible to have a job you truly love and that enhances your life instead of taking away from it. If I can find it, anyone can.”

Before Hillary Bennett became a coach and solopreneur, she worked in human resources for one of the largest corporations in the world. As program manager for several leadership development programs, she oversaw everything from hiring and training to internal coaching. 

In her final role for this company, she created its first “returnship” program, launched in 2019. It was uniquely designed to help experienced workers re-enter a previous career, or an entirely new field, after an extended absence from the workforce. 

When you sit across from her, it’s readily apparent: Hillary is an overachiever. She’s a self-proclaimed “checklist connoisseur.”

  • MBA from Seattle University with an emphasis in emotional intelligence? Check.
  • Successful career for a major corporation? Check.
  • Next on the list? Kids.

Before long, she and her husband had their first child, a baby girl. Her daughter was perfect; and Hillary was determined to be a great mother. That’s when the voice of self-doubt began to creep in.

For the first time in her life, Hillary felt like a failure. She began to have trouble sleeping, nursing and connecting with her spouse.

But then it was time to return to work. The sense of relief from a familiar routine was short-lived, however. Hillary’s work ethic and passion for productivity offered a small level of initial comfort but quickly wore off. She soon found herself in a place where she dreaded the tasks she once found so stimulating.

Thoughts of weakness and failure began to weigh her down despite a resolve to keep pushing. Hillary was trying to recapture the motivation that used to come so easily. But she was stuck in a pattern that had her going through the motions, counting down the hours until it was time to return home.

This cycle continued for two long years. Then her son was born. Though she felt blessed by the new addition to her family, Hillary also felt as though she was slipping farther and farther away from her career.

“As I grew in my motherhood, I felt more confident, at peace and fulfilled at home. At work, however, my professional identity continued to crumble. My previous ambitions were tossed aside and, in their place, came anxiety, stress, chronic fatigue and illness.” *

Hillary’s turning point came during a corporate retreat when a facilitator walked her team through a series of self-awareness and reflection exercises.

“I looked down at my worksheet and realized my values were totally different than they were before I started a family. The way I saw myself, what made me happy, those were different too. It was like someone turned the lights back on.

I was trying so hard to fit into my pre-mom soul, and I just didn’t fit. When I gave myself permission to embrace the new me, everything changed.” *

This was the spark that would inspire a range of personal development in Hillary’s life. Through meditation and prayer, she began to listen for God’s plan. Within that stillness, she felt called to shift her career focus from an all-encompassing human resources role to specifically working with women and moms.

Hillary immediately witnessed the sacrifices and courage of these women as they struggled to regain their professional footing. It opened her eyes to a specific need: they could benefit from the expertise of a coach.

“Moms are creative, productive, driven and passionate. In today’s climate we need them, more than ever, to uncover their gifts and share them! I’ve seen first-hand the impact returners can make in the office and as entrepreneurs.

I’m devoting my career to empowering more moms to embrace their impact and create a life that includes meaningful, paid work.”

So today, through Hillary Bennett Consulting, Hillary helps stay-at-home moms get back to work. But that doesn’t merely translate to ‘find a job’. Hillary supports women to discover meaningful work without compromising on pay, flexibility or family time. She empowers her clients through a five-step DREAM process that takes them from feeling lost, unsure, and unfulfilled to landing a job they love and that fits into their life. 

“We all have unique gifts and purposes. Throughout the different seasons of life, the biggest mistake we can make is not changing how we express them. You are capable, creative and insightful. If you tap into those parts within, anything is possible!!!”

Learn more about Hillary at:

* NOTE: Some quoted material that appears in this article is courtesy of