“I’ve always known my calling was to help others. At the same time, I knew I wanted to work with forward-moving people. When I found out what coaching entails, the decision was clear and simple.

I use the coaching I learned through the Coach Training World on a daily basis, providing supportive and authentic communication to help clients, and all those around me, achieve their goals. Because sometimes, all it takes is someone to believe in you and walk you through your goals by breaking them down into clearly-defined, easily-manageable chunks. It’s incredibly fulfilling! When you can help someone see around a blind spot or feel more focused in their pursuits, you’re giving back to humanity.

After the initial shock and awe of my metamorphosis, I feel as though I’ve finally discovered the missing piece of my personal puzzle. This revelation has allowed me to go out into the world with more confidence in my professional skills and develop my coaching practice. I was able to shift into a paradigm I’ve been wanting for a long time but was unsure how to achieve. Surrounded by my friends and mentors at Baraka, I experienced almost every emotion of the grieving process as I shed my old persona and adopted my new, sculpted identity as a coach. Currently in the acceptance phase, I’m still in development but the feeling is magnificent!

In addition, my instructors and peers continue to provide a great deal of support and acceptance. They validate my values and beliefs in regard to what I know to be the good and effective practices of a change agent, as we continue to learn through one another and grow together.

The tools and techniques I learned have instilled a lasting sense of inner-peace. Through a strong sense of self-worth and the amazing gift I’m now able to offer others, I feel the power in my authenticity rather than the weakness of desire!”

~ Laura Joki, Whole Person Certified Coach (WPCC)