As a certified life direction coach, I believe in the waves of change we find our true direction. Either we choose to make a change or we are navigating trough difficulties in our life, I can tell you that every obstacle we experience will lead us to the right path. We might feel lost, or overwhelmed by the multiple possibilities we have in front of us, but when we are in alignment with our true selves, than even the most scary change can be faced with positivity and can bring us to that amazing stage of our life where we feel fulfilled, happy and in peace! And this is why I am here! to help you get crystal clear on your whys, give you all the tools you need to finally find your direction and live a life behind your wildest dreams!
For as long as I can remember, change has always been a primary factor in my life. Either because I decided to explore more, get to know different cultures and reality, or because it had been imposed on me.
As Joshua J. Marine said "Challenges are what make life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes life
meaningful". And yes, with my ups and downs, everything was quite "interesting"! I got my master degree in International business, I had lived in 6 different countries, I had two changes of careers and I was than able to move to Hawaii. But I knew there was more of me to discover. My soul was screaming out to be heard amongst the chaos and busyness of my life, but I was not ready to listen, not yet! Until one day a big change was imposed to me: my soul mate left me.. That was the most devastating yet empowering experience of my entire life! Thanks to that experience...I WAS FINALLY READY TO FIND MY LIFE DIRECTION!
In that life changing experience I did the only thing that felt right for me: pray. I prayed for answers, I prayed for healing, I prayed for a better outcome, and the universe responded. I needed to go in worth and find find myself back, get crystal clear on my values, my strengths, my believes and use them to find my true direction, my purpose! I stayed positive and kept believing there was something better waiting for me, and that was on the other side of my fears. Luckily for me, I found life coaching and I learned valuable tools and strategies to
heal myself and get my power back. I worked on releasing my fears, I changed my belief system, I started recognizing the voice of my ego and than give more space to the voice of my soul. In few simple words I released all the blocks to the presence of my magic!
Today I am living a life behind my wildest dreams. I worked hard to get my coaching certification to be able to guide as many people as possible, to discover the magic within them and finally live a happy life. I know how scary and overwhelming can be to find yourself alone in those life changing moments, but luckily you don't have to face all of this alone. I am here to help you find your true life direction and shine brighter than you ever did. Because if there is something I learned from all the life changing experiences of my life is that there is always a better plan awaiting for us, and each obstacles we encounter is just a detour in the right direction. Everything will be ok, you will be ok, you will be smiling again, you will love again and you will find your power back and finally be ready to shine!
As Marianne Williamson said: "We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others”
I believe we have all been brought to this World to shine bright and be happy, the way we do that is our own unique magic. I do believe we are all powerful behind our imagination, and in a World that teaches us to always plan for the worst is crucial we instead find our own direction to shine bright and manifest everything we want in life. Helping people to find that source of love, power, energy inside of them is what I've been brought to this world for. Is never to late to find your way in life, each obstacles you have encountered brought you closer to
what you are meant to be. This is the time for you to believe again, to fall in love, to dream big, to smile, to laugh, to leave fears behind, to realize whatever you put yourself into... to be stronger, to be healthier... to BECOME THE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF!
If you are ready to invest in your dreams and finally find your power and shine bright than I am the right person for you!
“If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.”
Herny David Thoreau