Kandis Joy Flick, WPCC, A-CSM, ICP-Agile Team Facilitator & Coach

Kandis Joy Flick, WPCC, A-CSM, ICP-Agile Team Facilitator & Coach
(530) 605-5844
Portland, Oregon area / remote from anywhere
Coaching Bio:

I work with women and girls who are doing the difficult and beautiful work of learning how to establish boundaries, build their self-esteem, and own their power to live the life THEY want (rather than the one that has been handed to them).

Women are taught from a young age to be pleasing, that their value comes from being sexy or likable, and that what they want doesn't really matter. My passion is for empowering these disempowered girls and women.

I left my leadership role in accounting a few years ago to pursue Agile Coaching, which eventually led me to Life Coaching when I realized that I didn't care about the stuff getting done at work; I cared about the people doing the stuff! I've lived in California, Tennessee and have settled in Oregon. I have two daughters, who are a big influence on why I care so much about empowering women. I lived much of my life feeling driven to achieve in order to prove my worth, hating my body, and hating my job. Through coaching, I discovered a new way to be. First I started to like myself, then I learned to love myself. Then I learned to love my body. And then I figured out how to step out of the beauty-fitness-commercial induced Matrix and see these imposed "shoulds" for what they really are - completely made up, mostly by people who profit from creating a problem and selling you the solution. This discovery has changed my life more significantly than any other shift I've made in life, and I believe that passing this learning on to others is my calling.

I’m open to working with almost anyone while working towards my hours! Please reach out with any questions.

  • Kandis Joy Flick, WPCC, A-CSM, ICP-Agile Team Facilitator & Coach

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