Chelsey Yeager

Chelsey Yeager
Company Name:
Trust In Transformation
Coaching Bio:

Who Am I? What Do I Want To Do In Life? What Will Make Me Happy? If those questions ignite anger or fear as you have no idea how to begin answering, then we should chat. My name is Chelsey and as a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) I take a holistic approach and look at the whole picture of your life not just your career or romantic relationships. With a full picture, I can help you on your journey of rediscovery yourself and building the life you want. A plan and path to move forward on, feeling safe and confident in the path you chose and experience clarity in how to lead a more authentic and aligned life.

Not long ago I was lost, like stuck in the middle of a forest with no clue what direction was up, type of lost. The lying awake in the middle of the night having an existential crisis, type of lost. Up until that point I had done everything I was "told" to do by society's standards, I had checked all the boxes. Graduated college, got a full time job, found an amazing person to marry, purchased a house, had a baby; everything had been checked off on what I assumed was the ultimate To-Do List for happiness. The terrifying thing though was I wasn't really happy. Don't get me wrong, I have an amazing partner, I love my son, and the friends and family I was with brought me happiness. I am fortunate, I am privileged. I should be bursting with happiness, but I wasn't. It seemed the overall problem was there was no happiness within, it all came from external sources. My soul-sucking job didn't help, being a new mom I had lost my identity and started to wonder if I even had one to begin with. I had done all the "right" things but I felt I had missed the day of class in life when you just figure everything out. Thankfully I stumbled upon a Whole Person Coach at a wedding. I was actually leaving the reception passing her table saying goodbye when I randomly asked her, "What is it you do again?" she pulled out her card to hand to me and that ultimately transformed my life. The Whole Person Coaching experience changed everything, it was the transformation I was looking for. I am no longer lost, I am on the path of my choosing: supporting women to find direction and their purpose so they can show up as their most authentic self, leading the life they want to live.

I will never claim the healing journey is an easy one. I had a lot of shame over not being able to just figure out things for myself. I tried thinking my way through my problems and trauma to resolve it and it failed time and time again. I really doubted there was a solution to why I felt this way or there was no solution and this was just what adult life was. It wasn't until working with a whole person coach that I opened to the idea of transformation. Mostly, I didn't trust that transformation was possible. When things are there messiest is when transformation is most possible, like the breakdown of a caterpillar in its chrysalis. Trust that transformation into who you want to be is possible. Ready to live out dreams both imagined and beyond what you ever thought was possible? Great, I cannot wait to hear about it!

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