Student Rate (probono or reduced cost)

Suzanna Lee
Brooklyn, NY
Coaching Bio:

Suzanna Lee is an Intuitive Life & Leadership Coach.

I partner with female innovators to lead & live with authenticity, clarity and joyful purpose. AKA I help you bounce out of bed in the morning like the energizer bunny!

Chelsey Yeager
Company Name:
Trust In Transformation
Coaching Bio:

Who Am I? What Do I Want To Do In Life? What Will Make Me Happy? If those questions ignite anger or fear as you have no idea how to begin answering, then we should chat. My name is Chelsey and as a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) I take a holistic approach and look at the whole picture of your life not just your career or romantic relationships. With a full picture, I can help you on your journey of rediscovery yourself and building the life you want. A plan and path to move forward on, feeling safe and confident in the path you chose and experience clarity in how to lead a more authentic and aligned life.

Not long ago I was lost, like stuck in the middle of a forest with no clue what direction was up, type of lost. The lying awake in the middle of the night having an existential crisis, type of lost. Up until that point I had done everything I was "told" to do by society's standards, I had checked all the boxes. Graduated college, got a full time job, found an amazing person to marry, purchased a house, had a baby; everything had been checked off on what I assumed was the ultimate To-Do List for happiness. The terrifying thing though was I wasn't really happy. Don't get me wrong, I have an amazing partner, I love my son, and the friends and family I was with brought me happiness. I am fortunate, I am privileged. I should be bursting with happiness, but I wasn't. It seemed the overall problem was there was no happiness within, it all came from external sources. My soul-sucking job didn't help, being a new mom I had lost my identity and started to wonder if I even had one to begin with. I had done all the "right" things but I felt I had missed the day of class in life when you just figure everything out. Thankfully I stumbled upon a Whole Person Coach at a wedding. I was actually leaving the reception passing her table saying goodbye when I randomly asked her, "What is it you do again?" she pulled out her card to hand to me and that ultimately transformed my life. The Whole Person Coaching experience changed everything, it was the transformation I was looking for. I am no longer lost, I am on the path of my choosing: supporting women to find direction and their purpose so they can show up as their most authentic self, leading the life they want to live.

I will never claim the healing journey is an easy one. I had a lot of shame over not being able to just figure out things for myself. I tried thinking my way through my problems and trauma to resolve it and it failed time and time again. I really doubted there was a solution to why I felt this way or there was no solution and this was just what adult life was. It wasn't until working with a whole person coach that I opened to the idea of transformation. Mostly, I didn't trust that transformation was possible. When things are there messiest is when transformation is most possible, like the breakdown of a caterpillar in its chrysalis. Trust that transformation into who you want to be is possible. Ready to live out dreams both imagined and beyond what you ever thought was possible? Great, I cannot wait to hear about it!

Katelyn Krulek
Company Name:
Based in Chicago, IL, helping people around the world
Coaching Bio:

As a business expert, creative, and mindset coach, Katelyn brings a multifaceted approach to her business coaching. Having spent over six years in corporate marketing and three years running her own consulting business, her expertise spans social media, websites, email marketing, content marketing, events, product strategy, business development, branding, and more. After realizing her passion for helping entrepreneurs grow personally and professionally, she became a Whole Person Certified Coach through Coach Training World, which focuses on coaching from a holistic psychological perspective.

Katelyn takes an eclectic approach to her coaching, combining her expertise as a strategist and creative with her ability to help clients master change, move through blocks, and overcome obstacles in their business and beyond. In working with her, you'll gain clarity, direction, motivation, insight, confidence, and focus.

Explore free resources and inspiration at

Company Name:
The Soul Can Reach
(310) 853-0360
Southern California
Coaching Bio:

Hi! My name is Christina. I am currently in training as a coach as I build my agency, The Soul Can Reach!*

My mission is to provide my clients the tools, support, focus for spiritual breakthroughs and personal accountability they need to reach their goals. Whether they are stuck in bad relationships, unhappy with their jobs or careers, grieving a loss of a loved one or dealing with stress and/or spiritual crisis, I will provide an agency for change. I strive to empower them to find where their true passion lies, to follow the path and start anew.

My life and work experience is varied and wide. I currently work as a legal professional in a law firm in Southern California and have worked as a Marketing and Sales VP of an International HR Placement Agency which recruited medical professionals in Central California.

I look forward to hearing from you and hopefully we can work together to reach our common goal: to find your true passion. I am just a phone call away!!!

*Inspiration comes from a poem by "How Do I Love Thee," by Elizabeth B. Browning.

Nitin Kulshrestha
Company Name:
DrivingOn LLC
Seattle, WA
Coaching Bio:

Unlock your full career potential with personalized coaching that's tailored to your unique challenges—whether you're stepping into a new role, facing a crucial performance review, navigating organizational changes, dealing with a tough colleague, or feeling stuck. My coaching combines deep professional insights, rich creative experiences in standup comedy, filmmaking, and acting, and formal coach training. You’ll gain enhanced self-awareness, build essential interpersonal competencies, and learn to harness your distinctive personal strengths to advance your career. Get started with a free 30 minute consultation today and see if my coaching is the right fit for you:

Julie Voelker-Morris
Oregon, Pacific Northwest, USA
Coaching Bio:

As a supportive leadership and purpose coach, I embolden people to be unstoppable, leading themselves, their teams, and their organizations with confidence, credibility, and direction.

I would love to work with you through the transformative power of self-discovery and professional growth through coaching.

Eric Kreitz
Company Name:
Renovium Leadership Coaching
(Virtually) Anywhere!
In person: New Braunfels/San Antonio/Austin, TX
Coaching Bio:

As a leadership coach, I know that you want to be a leader that people are proud to follow. In order to do that you need confidence and clarity when it comes to leading yourself and your team. While anyone can ACT like a leader, the problem is you don't know how to BE a leader, which leaves you feeling like an imposter. I believe everyone deserves to feel content and fulfilled in their leadership role. I understand what it's like to struggle with doubt and being overwhelmed as a leader which is why I want to use my 22 years of Army leadership experience to help you thrive. Here's how to do it: 1. Schedule an appointment with me. 2. Let's talk about your goals and plan a way ahead. 3. Enjoy being a leader people (and you!) are proud to follow. Schedule that appointment now so. you can stop doubting yourself and be the productive, effective leader you were meant to be.

More background: With over two decades of command and leadership experience in the U.S. Army, including 16 years in U.S. Army Special Operations, my journey is more than just my job; it's about a passion for breaking through barriers and creating something new. Like you, I’ve worked through personal challenges, including my experience hitting rock bottom with alcohol and suicide, and this has granted me insights into the power of purpose and balancing important things in life. As your coach, I offer not only a relatable guide who understands leadership's nuances from both the battlefield and personal recovery but also as a coach deeply committed to helping you become a purpose-driven, skilled professional who confronts challenges and excels in creating value to move your career forward. Let's embark on this transformative journey together, drawing strength from your experiences and harnessing them to inspire greatness within yourself and for others in your life.

Lelanea Fulton
Company Name:
Lelanea Fulton Integrative Consciousness Coaching
Portland, Oregon base + Remote via International
Coaching Bio:

Lelañea's approach is based on the Whole Person Coaching® methodology, which scientifically recognizes the interconnectedness of all aspects of our being and facilitates inner balance and alignment. She uses a range of tools and techniques, such as evidence-based coaching techniques, cognitive behavioral therapy & neurological restructuring via meditation, mindfulness, somatic work, polyvagal, kinetic, and breathwork, to support her clients in self-regulation and mindset alteration; unraveling limiting beliefs, old patterns, and emotional blocks that are holding them back from living a fulfilling and authentic life. She also incorporates the Hermetic Principles and its 12 Laws, the Gene Keys, a system of self-discovery of transformation, developed by international teacher and spiritualist, Richard Rudd as well as furthering her expertise in meditation through a Tantric Meditation teacher certification with the esteemed Tracee Stanley-Newell, author and founder of the Empowered Life Circle. Her mission is to serve as a compassionate guide and mirror, reflecting her clients' inner brilliance and potential, and empowering them to create transformative shifts in their lives. Lelañea credits her near-death experience, her spiritual awakening, and her reality-shifting experience of oneness as pivotal moments in her transformation. She states, "My journey as a Mindset and Spiritual Coach began from a deep desire for personal growth, a profound belief in the transformative power of self-awareness, and a universal bitch-slap by a cosmic Betty Davis."

​Her role as an Integrative Consciousness Coach is not to provide answers but to serve as a compassionate guide and mirror, reflecting your inner brilliance and potential because you came into this life with everything you need to fulfill your purpose; you just can't remember. In this journey, she offers a range of services tailored to meet each client's unique needs, incorporating meditation, mindfulness practices, somatic work, polyvagal theory, kinetic techniques, and breathwork to facilitate inner balance and alignment, all while being trauma-informed.

​With a deep reverence for the interconnectedness of all living beings, she encourages her clients to extend their newfound awareness beyond themselves and foster meaningful connections with others and the world around them. "I emphasize the importance of cultivating compassion, empathy, curiosity, and conscious relationships as essential components of a fulfilling life."

She supports:
- Pre-teens and teens in learning compassion and empathy through curiosity ultimately empowering them to build healthy connections and practice self-awareness.
- Parents who want to raise consciously evolved children.
- Those experiencing a spiritual awakening or existential crisis and having a strong need and/or calling to explore their inner Self and discover/align with their authentic selves.
- Those who are either beginner, intermediate, or advanced meditators in need of refinement, deep spiritual inquiry, and ego dissolution.
- Those feeling stuck, lacking interest, not knowing passion & and purpose, or even knowing the self. Often associated with feelings of confusion, loss, and states of depression.
- Those feeling loneliness, and dislike for the self. This shows up as resentment, self-blame, and/or shame.
- Those wanting to break abusive and toxic patterns in romantic relationships and/or to break patterns of those they attract.
- Those leaving or processing a relationship with someone exhibiting narcissism and/or sociopathic behavior.
- Those taking on feelings of victimhood, despair, self-criticism, fear, and self-doubt.
- Those wishing to integrate information obtained from plant medicine to embody the lessons/messages.
- Those 'transitioning out' from illness or old age or who are losing someone close to a transition.
- Feeling uninspired in a job/career that no longer serves them.
- Those leading a busy, stressful lifestyle and would like to re-prioritize their time, energy, and attention.

Livia Carpenter, MS
Oregon, US
Coaching Bio:

Hey friend, I'm so glad you're here!
Looking to make a change in your life? Maybe you feel stuck and know something is missing but you just have no idea what to even do, or what keeps stopping you from moving forward... and you are sick of going in circles in your head trying to think your way out of your situation! Or maybe you're one of the lucky people who have taken steps to make some big changes, but you're still feeling overwhelmed with fears and self-doubt and every day you're wondering if you made the right choice... you don't have to go it alone! Coaching is here for you.
I know how hard it can be to figure out how to make changes and how to withstand the doubts, and fears, and second guessing that keeps so many of us stuck from really believing in ourselves and going after our dreams. That's one reason I adore coaching driven people who aren't willing to just accept the bare minimum and survive. I love to witness my client's confidence grow, see them learn to put themselves back at the top of their to-do list, and demand of themselves that they step up to the challenges and opportunities life holds out. Yes, you can do hard things!
Let's put our noggins together and uncover the old, outgrown patterns that hold you back, define your values and goals for YOUR best, delectable life, and take action... and hopefully do some giggling and cheering along the way. I would love to chat, come find me at

Julia Toronczak
Company Name:
Julia Toronczak LLC
San Diego, CA & Remote
Coaching Bio:

Hey there, I’m Julia! As a coach, I empower anxious and ambitious achievers to break through the barriers that prevent them from reaching their greatest heights and in turn, cultivate deeper, more meaningful relationships with themselves and others.

You might resonate with the experience of grappling with an inner critic that undermines your self-confidence and leaves you second guessing yourself, or scrutinizing every interaction with others.

Coaching helps you foster a healthier relationship with your mind, so that you can start thriving and achieving whatever makes your heart sing.

As a complex-PTSD survivor with a nasty inner critic, I struggled finding the right support during my healing journey while simultaneously working in a highly stressful sales role. My ambition and drive were constantly being undermined by my inner critic telling me I wasn’t good enough, and holding me back from believing in my own potential.

Together we can liberate you from the grip of your inner critic and awaken your inner badass.

Thank you for trusting me with your journey.

Kandis Joy Flick, WPCC, A-CSM, ICP-Agile Team Facilitator & Coach
(530) 605-5844
Portland, Oregon area / remote from anywhere
Coaching Bio:

I work with women and girls who are doing the difficult and beautiful work of learning how to establish boundaries, build their self-esteem, and own their power to live the life THEY want (rather than the one that has been handed to them).

Women are taught from a young age to be pleasing, that their value comes from being sexy or likable, and that what they want doesn't really matter. My passion is for empowering these disempowered girls and women.

I left my leadership role in accounting a few years ago to pursue Agile Coaching, which eventually led me to Life Coaching when I realized that I didn't care about the stuff getting done at work; I cared about the people doing the stuff! I've lived in California, Tennessee and have settled in Oregon. I have two daughters, who are a big influence on why I care so much about empowering women. I lived much of my life feeling driven to achieve in order to prove my worth, hating my body, and hating my job. Through coaching, I discovered a new way to be. First I started to like myself, then I learned to love myself. Then I learned to love my body. And then I figured out how to step out of the beauty-fitness-commercial induced Matrix and see these imposed "shoulds" for what they really are - completely made up, mostly by people who profit from creating a problem and selling you the solution. This discovery has changed my life more significantly than any other shift I've made in life, and I believe that passing this learning on to others is my calling.

I’m open to working with almost anyone while working towards my hours! Please reach out with any questions.

David Herrera
Company Name:
David Herrera Coaching
New York City, NY & Remote
Coaching Bio:

Are you somebody feeling behind in your life or profession, experiencing big change, feeling overwhelmed, having difficulties putting yourself out there, with not enough time/energy to take action, or just not knowing what step to take next?


My name is David and my mission is to use the power of coaching to reach as many people as possible to create a more joyous and connected world where people feel heard, seen, valued, and confident to live their life to their fullest potential.

I work with all kinds of individuals and situations with a specialization on the following two types of clients.

I help people who feel stuck or are undergoing life transitions create a life that is passion-driven, purposeful, and fulfilling as hell.
(career changes, what to do in retirement, relocating/moving to a new place, leaving school, leaving relationships, getting into relationships, mid-life pivots, etc...)

I also help those feeling lonely, isolated, or disconnected from others step into their next level selves and establish meaningful, long lasting connections that make you feel like you matter and belong.

Life can be a rough wild ride. It’s tough when you walk it alone. So let’s walk it together and get you where you wanna be because I guarantee that you are already more than capable.

Feel free to visit my site, linked above, to get more information on who I am and what coaching with me can look like. If coaching together seems like a good fit then please feel free to schedule a consultation through my site or reach out to me through CTW.

Emily Klever
Company Name:
Sky To Sea Coaching
El Dorado Hills, CA
Coaching Bio:

With a lifetime of experience traveling and collaborating with people all around the world, I understand and celebrate the limitless diversity and potential of human beings. As a classically trained and certified Mental Health Coach with additional certifications in Emotional Intelligence and Trauma Informed Coaching, I have engaged in over two thousand hours of coaching conversations. I hold a holistic view of wellness and deeply value the process of connecting with individuals around their goals.

In my coaching sessions, I provide a warm and accepting environment and embody a mindset that is open, curious, and flexible, helping my clients awaken to new awareness. Powerful Coaching helps individuals realize and harness the power they hold to skillfully face challenges and achieve the long-lasting success they desire. My hope is that each of my clients leave their coaching sessions feeling unblocked, inspired, and equipped with evidence-based principles and practices proven to support advancement.

John Chetro-Szivos
Company Name:
Central Massachusetts
Coaching Bio:

I am a coach in training. However, I worked as a therapist for approximately fifteen years and managed mental health centers at a senior level. I moved to academia after earning a Ph.D. in Communication and my specialties are interpersonal, intercultural, and organizational communication. I have published several books, chapters, and journal articles that address a wide variety of issues in organizations and interpersonal relationships. I work from a systemic perspective to understand peoples' world and their place in it. I have also consulted to organizations across the globe on issues of communication.

Jared Leal
he / him
Company Name:
Fellow Traveler Coaching, LLC
Boca Raton, FL
Coaching Bio:

Hello, fellow traveler! My primary coaching niche is helping folks who consider themselves "bad" with money. I've successfully coached people to get out of debt, repair their credit, and break the cycle of paycheck-to-paycheck living. I teach zero-based budgeting as my primary tool to making a flexible plan to achieve your financial goals. Achieving financial peace-of-mind positively impacts all areas of one's life, and I'm passionate about helping people get there.

I also consider myself a master of career change and reinventing yourself. I've done it four different times over the course of my life from actor/singer to personal banker to nurse leader to coach. Fear of career change doesn't have to stop you from moving forward. With me as your trusty guide, we'll get you there leave those fears and limiting beliefs behind..

My other specialties are working with members of the LGBTQIA2+ community, leaders, and those looking to improve self-care practices as part of their recovery from codependency. I look forward to hearing from you and appreciate the opportunity to see how I can best serve you!

Laura S. Jacobson
Company Name:
bask coaching & consulting
(971) 343-1040
Portland, Oregon
Coaching Bio:

Laura S. Jacobson
M.S. in Industrial-Organizational Psychology, CPC, WPC
bask coaching & consulting, LLC
(Balance, Awareness, Strengths, Knowledge)

Helping you become aware of your authentic self, so that you can bask in the warmth of your strengths, bring balance to all areas of your life, and develop the knowledge to remain composed in stressful situations.

Are you feeling overwhelmed?

You work in an industry that is notorious for being competitive and antagonistic. There are multiple last-minute deadlines that require working overtime frequently. You feel unappreciated as you have tried to move up in the hierarchical company for years with no success. You feel like your co-workers are competing with you for hours, clients, and partnership. You love your work, but you are frustrated, anxious all the time, grumpy, and most of all, tired. Maybe you work from home most of the time, but you might as well be at the office, since you are not available for friends and family because of your long work hours.

Perhaps you work as a manager or staff in this environment. You are responsible for providing support for the office and there is pressure to keep everything running smoothly. You have similar feelings of frustration, lack of appreciation, and anxiety.

Out of balance?

Perhaps you are feeling like your life is out of balance. You put most of your energy into your career and business and the rest of your life is suffering, like time with your family or overall enjoyment of life. You might be struggling in your work environment, either with people who are pressuring you, or not having enough hours in the day.

Something doesn’t feel right.

Do you ever feel like you are living someone else’s life? You did all the things society asked of you: a good job; raising a family; owning a house; a vacation now and then. Something is missing though. Somewhere down the road of these accomplishments, you lost yourself. You don’t really know who you are, and you are not as satisfied as you think you should be. I can help you find yourself. Discover your unique strengths. Find what truly brings you fulfillment. I can help you show up in your life as your authentic self and to give yourself the gift of clarity.

I’ve been there.

I have worked in the legal field for more than 30 years, so I know how it feels. I understand the pressure that you are under and the unrealistic expectations that you are asked to perform. I know about unrealistic deadlines, unreasonable clients, and competitive co-workers. I know about being passed over and unappreciated.

How I can help.

I can help you bring calm and courage into your work environment. By using techniques of awareness, I can help you access your authentic self and bring it into your work environment so that you can shine. I can give you tools to handle difficult situations and people.

I can help you discover your exclusive strengths so that you can be comfortable in your life by showing the world your gifts and living by your values. I can help you honor your strengths and bring them to the surface so that you can live life your own, unique, authentic way.

If you are feeling out of balance, I can help you determine what is truly important to you, what really matters, to help you bring peace and discernment into your life, so there is balance in all areas.

My background.

I have worked in law offices for more than 30 years, so I know what it is like and the challenges you face. I have a Master of Science degree in Industrial-Organizational Psychology which provided me with extensive knowledge regarding the dynamics of an organization and how it might affect the employees who work there.

Personally, I have positively prevailed through a divorce, successfully single-parented, and have learned to develop my strengths and stay poised in a hectic life.

Ready for a change?

Let me help you bask in the warmth of your authenticity and shine your strengths in the world. I can help you get to know yourself better and what is truly important to you. With this knowledge, I can help you bring balance and harmony in all areas of your life.

Halley Choy
Online: Anywhere
In-person: Saratoga Springs, NY
Coaching Bio:

My name is Halley Choy, and I am a currently completing my Board Certified Coach (BCC) training and Whole Person Certified Coach (WPCC)training with the Coaching Training program. I have six years of experience in higher education and the social work fields. I earned my Masters of Social Work at Boston College in Advanced Clinical Practice, focusing on Health and Mental Health in 2019. Previously, I earned my B.S. in Psychology and Environmental Studies from St. Lawrence University.
I have experience with first-generation, low-income, and underrepresented students providing support and advocacy as they navigated and transitioned into college. Currently, I am a university administrator at Renessalr Polytechnic Institute in the Office of Student Success. I coach and advise a diverse caseload of young adults as they navigate their college years, struggle with grades, mental health, and family difficulties, and build self-confidence.
I provide strengths-based and person-centered therapy to my clients while integrating a holistic approach. It is important to me that I meet you where you are at, and we work together to develop a partnership to reach your goals in the therapeutic process. I enjoy supporting young adults cope with the stage of life concerns, executive function strategies, self-care techniques, anxiety, depression, learning disabilities, ADHD, and relationship concerns.

Nandhini Sundaram
US, Zoom sessions
Coaching Bio:

Did you know that roughly 80% of people diagnosed with an autoimmune disease are women? Eighty percent!

It’s believed that women have the majority of cases because of the additional stress that we take on everyday. Stresses from work and needing to prove ourselves, stresses at home and taking care of the family, stresses in relationships and making sure everyone is happy even if it means your needs are ignored.

This need to please and support others, to be the “nice girl” and to be perfect is conditioned in us since birth, but it’s not serving us and it’s actually making many of us sick.

Having worked in a very demanding ad industry for nearly 19 years, I have personally experienced the strain of added stress on my mind and body: trouble sleeping, back pain, fatigue, eczema, and brain fog to name a few. But I see this with so many women who work across different industries and roles, and I want to change that.

As a career and personal development coach, I work with women to discover and prioritize their needs so they can unleash their full power and progress towards a fulfilling and balanced life. It’s time to end the constant cycle of burnout, to regain your energy, to work towards your goals and purpose and to finally put yourself first.

If you’re interested in working with me and want to learn more, you can reach me at

Jean Sheridan
Company Name:
Coaching With Jean
Remote via Zoom or Google Meet
Coaching Bio:

With 40 years of training, education, and experience Jean was at the forefront of what we now call well-being and coaching. She has BS and MS degrees focused on this work, too many workshops to mention, and years of experience in various aspects of the field. She is a Certified Professional Coach, A Certified Trauma Informed Coach, and Executive Coach working on her ICF - PCC credential. Says Jean, it's amazing what we can accomplish when we take small mindful steps.

Hannah Parker
Company Name:
Evolve with Hannah
Kansas City, MO and Remote sessions
Coaching Bio:

Embark on a transformative journey towards healing and empowerment with a personalized Holistic Coaching Consultation with me, Hannah, a certified trauma-informed coach and energy healer. In my practice, I blend the principles of trauma-informed coaching with the power of energy healing to create a holistic and supportive environment. We'll explore not only the challenges you face on a conscious level but also tap into the subtle energies that may be affecting your overall well-being.

Karen Yackel
Company Name:
Design Your Path Coaching
Alberta, Canada
Coaching Bio:

I am a Life Path Coach specializing in Mindful Living. I work with individuals looking to design a more mindful path in life. Clients come to me seeking more joy, passion, fulfillment, deeper relationships, confidence boosts, career moves, and a more mindful way to live and be in all areas of their lives.

I am a fiercely independent creative who has always intentionally found the good in everyone I meet. I am a passionate person who dares to dream and wants all life has to offer. I have a unique style of coaching that is custom fit for each individual.

My clients can often get stuck in the stressors of everyday life. Perhaps they have lost their joy, inspiration, or motivation. Mindful Coaching helps my clients see what is missing, why they are stuck and the steps required to move themselves forward. They complete their coaching journey with a fresh perspective by developing positive habits, building on self-esteem, and gaining tools to live more mindfully, joyfully, and with intent.

I studied coaching with the ICA in the Advanced Coach program with a CPC designation, I am an ACC coach certified by the ICF. I am currently working towards a PCC with the ICF and am also working toward a Trauma Coach Certification. I adhere strictly to the ICF Code of Ethics.

Book time with me on my calendar:

Melissa Klade
Coaching Bio:

Student in training seeking practice hours for certification. I am a 50+ year-old, career female, married for over 25 years with two boys ages 22 and 17. Balancing work, family, volunteering, and kid's sports while also finding time for my passions has created many growth opportunities for me.

In my full-time job, I lead a team of 13 and have a passion for helping people find their voice to empower and inspire them to live the lives they imagine. Through coaching, I look forward to creating even more positive impact in growth-minded individuals looking to use their own wisdom to transform their lives and maximize their potential.

Company Name:
Journey to Alignment Coaching
Olney, IL and online remote services available
Coaching Bio:

Welcome! I'm Debi and am currently a student coach with Coach Training World. I believe that when you are in alignment with yourself, you become aligned with your path forward. Your passions become clearer, you are ready to discover and navigate change, growth and development can flourish, you are able to set clear boundaries, and feel self confident. I incorporate somatic (body) awareness practices, mindfulness exercises, emotional intelligence skills, and equine assisted activities (for those local, or refer out) to my coaching services. I would enjoy working with you to rediscover what you enjoy in life, pursue your passions, navigate a life transition, establish a healthy nutrition or fitness routine, find clarity and connection in relationships, or develop your entrepreneur dreams!

Christy Bowman-White
She, her
Company Name:
North Star Leadership and Development LLC
Seattle, WA
Coaching Bio:

Christy Bowman-White, Executive Director of North Star Leadership and Development LLC, has dedicated over two decades of educational leadership experience. From her roots as a National Board-Certified teacher to her impactful roles as a middle school assistant principal and elementary principal, Christy has consistently demonstrated a commitment to excellence in education. Her tenure as principal from 2019 to 2023 at Maple Elementary culminated in the prestigious Distinguished School Award for the State of Washington in 2023-2024, recognizing exceptional student performance and academic growth under her stewardship, even amidst the challenges posed by the pandemic.

Christy's experience navigating the complexities of educational leadership during unprecedented times sparked a desire to walk alongside and support other leaders facing similar challenges. Christy is passionate about supporting leaders to move from burnout to balance.

Christy Bowman-White is the author of “Hearing What They’re Saying”, published by the National Association of Elementary School Principals. Christy is a member of Next Level Leaders, Washington State’s premier leadership development academy, and the International Coaching Federation (ICF). She is currently pursuing her ICF Level II Professional Whole Person Certified Coach credential.

As a Whole Person Coach™ in training, Christy integrates narrative, somatic, cognitive, and positive psychology coaching approaches to address the diverse facets of individuals' lives. Her holistic approach empowers clients to navigate challenges, uncover their potential, and cultivate sustainable growth. Through collaborative partnerships, she fosters transformative journeys that inspire lasting personal and professional development.